Patsy Tremayne
Patsy Tremayne
Patsy and Kell have joined forces to combine their knowledge and experience in this book to help junior doctors ace their exams and triumph over a system that is stacked against them. This alliance has made for a very strong and dynamic psychology practice, with Patsy having decades of experience working in this industry, and Kell having an up-to-date rigorous research background.Patsy and Kell have PhDs in psychophysiology and psychology respectively, and their career paths have many similarities.For instance, both work at Western Sydney University. Patsy is an adjunct associate professor in psychology and Kell is a senior lecturer in the same department. At the same time, they each have different areas of expertise that they bring to this book. Kell lectures in subjects such as resilience, sleep hygiene, and factors that increase well-being and performance. Patsy loves non-verbal communication and the shortcuts to effective study and creative testing of exam components.Kell and Patsy have had considerable experience working with elite athletes. Both have worked within the NSW Institute of Sport in areas that have involved wellbeing, management of stress and anxiety, and how to sustain motivation and confidence in the face of setbacks and challenges.Patsy gives presentations to junior doctors around the country in many of the major specialties. Kell is in demand within the corporate world for his knowledge in elite performance in areas of leadership, time management, psychological safety, and stress management. They would like nothing better than to see the long journey to finally becoming consultants in their chosen specialties be less fraught. It doesn't have to be that way, and in some small way, they hope this book can ease that transformation from junior doctor to a consultant.