Jaana Woiceshyn

Jaana Woiceshyn

<p><b>Dr. Jaana Woiceshyn</b> holds a BBA and an MBA from the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration and a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. She has taught strategic management and business ethics to undergraduate, MBA, and executive MBA students at the Haskayne School of Business since 1987; she has also given seminars on these subjects to various business audiences, including the Directors’ Program at Haskayne. Her work has been published in the <i>Journal of Business Ethics</i>, <i>Journal of Engineering and Technology Management</i>, <i>Journal of Organizational Behaviour</i>, <i>Long Range Planning</i>, <i>Organization Studies</i>, <i>R&amp;D Management</i>, and the <i>Scandinavian Journal of Management</i>, among others.<span rel="pastemarkerend" id="pastemarkerend94714"></span></p>