Kleaver Cruz

Kleaver Cruz

<p><strong>Kleaver Cruz</strong> (they/them) is a Black, queer, Dominican-American writer and educator from New York City. Cruz is the creator of The Black Joy Project, a digital and real-world affirmation that Black Joy is resistance. The Black Joy Project has been featured in <em>British Vogue</em>,, the <em>Huffington Post</em> and various other publications in print and online. Cruz is a member of We Are All Dominican, a U.S.-based, grassroots collective that works in solidarity with movements led by Dominicans of Haitian descent fighting for inclusion and citizenship rights in the Dominican Republic. Cruz is also an alum of the Voices of Our Nations Arts (VONA) Foundation&#8217;s Emerging Writers Non-Fiction Workshop and the Kenyon Review Writers Fiction Workshop.&#160;</p>