Tom Grimm

Tom Grimm

Tom Grimm, born in 1972, apprenticed as a bookseller and has been working ever since as an author,translator, screenwriter, journalist, editor, and producer for a number of international publishers. Alongside hisenthusiasm for literature, movies, and video games, he especially enjoys amusement parks, travel, listening toRammstein, good food, bad jokes, and firing up the grill year-round. He is a passionate amateur cook, althoughnot much of a baker. Even so, he has managed to win the Gourmand World Cookbook Award and otherdistinctions for his work. Tom lives with his family, a literal pride of cats, and several life-size images of Batman,Kung Fu Panda, Rayman, and Thrall the Orc. He lives and works in a small town in the west of Germany that isreally and truly nothing to write home about. (Not kidding. Really.)