Eva Peron

Eva Peron

Maria Eva Duarte de Peron (1919-1952) was the wife of Argentinian President Juan Peron and was First Lady of Argentina from 1946 until her death in 1952.Upon her husband's ascendency to the nation's highest office, Eva Peron - or "Evita" as she was called by her many admirers - became enormously popular among working class Argentinians for her support and encouragement of labor unions. She became so popular, in fact, that in 1951, she announced her candidacy to become Vice President of Argentina, a move supported and encouraged by working class Argentinians known as descamisados or "shirtless ones."However, opposition to her candidacy from the upper classes and military leaders - coupled with her failing health - forced Eva to deliver the following radio address on August 31, 1951, reversing her decision to run for Vice President.Named the "Spiritual Leader of the Nation" on May 7, 1952, Eva Peron died just over two months later, on July 26th. Her funeral in Buenos Aires was attended by more than three million admirers.