Bhikkhu Bodhi
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Ven.BhikkhuBodhiis an American Buddhist monk from New York City, born in 1944. He obtained a BA in philosophy from Brooklyn College and a PhD in philosophy from Claremont Graduate School. After completing his university studies he traveled toSriLanka, where he received novice ordination in 1972 and full ordination in 1973, both under the leadingSriLankanscholar-monkVen.BalangodaAnandaMaitreyaMahanayakaThera(1896–1998). From 1984 to 2002 he was the editor for the Buddhist Publication Society inKandy, where he lived for ten years with the senior German monkVen.NyanaponikaMahathera(1901–1994) at the Forest Hermitage. He returned to the United States in 2002. He currently lives and teaches atChuangYen Monastery in Carmel, New York.Ven.Bodhihas many important publications to his credit, either as author, translator, or editor. These includeThe Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha(MajjhimaNikaya, 1995),The Connected Discourses of the Buddha(SamyuttaNikaya, 2000), andThe Numerical Discourses of the Buddha(AnguttaraNikaya, 2012). In 2008, together with several of his students,Ven.Bodhifounded Buddhist Global Relief, anonprofitsupporting hunger relief, sustainable agriculture, and education in countries suffering from chronic poverty and malnutrition.