Book type E-book
Becoming Fire
By Unknown
Book type E-book
By Unknown
Revised edition of Tim Vivian’s Becoming Fire continues to inspire readers with ancient wisdom for modern Christian contemplation. The sayings of the desert monks of the fifth and sixth centuries continue to inspire readers with their wisdom, and those who read them as the ancients did, slowly and reflectively, still learn from the insights they offer. In this revised edition of Becoming Fire: Through the Year with the Desert Fathers and Mothers, Tim Vivian arranges these stories in short daily readings and invites readers to savor the monks' advice as guides to Christian living. This volume provides: sayings and stories for each day of the year to use for lectio divina. saints and revered persons from the Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Episcopalian traditions. sayings from thePhilokaliaand the fourth-fifthcentury monastic writers Neilos of Ancyra and Hyperechios, among others. In addition, there is a glossary of important monastic terms with cross-references to the fuller glossary in volume two ofThe Sayings and Stories of the Desert Fathers and Mothers(Cistercian Publications, 2023). Perfect for students and enthusiasts of the desert tradition and desert monasticism.