Book type E-book
Nehemiah on Leadership
By Mark Bowser
Book type E-book
By Mark Bowser
In Nehemiah on Leadership, we are going to delve into the Biblical story of Nehemiah and what his example can mean for us in this contemporary day. You see, I believe that the story of Nehemiah and his success can help us become better parents, better executives, better employees, better friends, better team members…better people. Why? Because the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament is all about leadership. Leadership is the key to all success. When we become better leaders, we become better--at everything! Leadership expert Dr. John C. Maxwell said this about Nehemiah, “The man saw a need, rose up, captured a vision, laid a plan, and mobilized others to join him in his cause. In a nutshell, that’s the story of Nehemiah, a classic case study in leadership.” (The Maxwell Leadership Bible). If you enjoyed Nehemiah on Leadership, help us get the word out posting a review of this eBook on www.amazon.com