Book type E-book
Night Maneuvers
By Tawny Weber
Book type E-book
By Tawny Weber
In a sizzling prequel novella to her new trilogy, New York Times bestselling author TawnyWeber introduces the sexy, powerful Navy SEALs in the Poseidon team as they take on theultimate mission: love. Within the elite brotherhood of Navy SEALs, the Poseidon team arethe very best—and the most secretive. Convincing a naive journalist not to write atell-all PR feature should be a piece of cake for Chief Petty Officer Aaron Ward.Especially once he glimpses Bryanna Radisson's soft, lush curves. His tactic: seduce anddestroy… Bryanna is no pushover. Aaron's hard-muscled body makes her crave much more thana story, and she'll get what she came for. Desire is her weapon of choice, but when thisone wild night is over, will Aaron sabotage her plans…or lose his heart in collateraldamage? Don't miss Call to Honor, the first book in the Team Poseidon series, from HQNBooks!