Book type Audiobook
Book type Audiobook
Addiction is costly on many levels to the individuals affected, their families, and society as a whole, but science may soon be able to offer treatment options to make the road to recovery a little smoother. In this audiobook, From Abuse to Recovery: Understanding Addiction, we tackle the many facets of this complex issue. First, we investigate why and how people succumb to a veritable prison of the mind as sections one and two delve respectively into the psychology and the neurochemistry behind addiction. Subsequent sections break out addictive substances individually: recreational drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. Finally, section seven examines new avenues for overcoming addiction. While rehab centers, counseling, and twelve-step programs are effective for many substance abusers, they’re also ingrained as the only way to overcome addiction. New research advances our knowledge of the physical component, knowledge that could lead to a more complete protocol that treats both the psychological and physiological aspects of addiction.