Book type E-book
Book type E-book
These hockey players know how to score…and make it count! BODY CHECK The moment hockey star Brody Croft first sees good girl Hayden Houston at the bar, he's riveted.Brody's ready to shed his bad-boy ways for the sexy brunette and settle down. And after amind-blowing night in bed with Hayden, he knows she's the one. Now all he has to do isconvince her that he's her one… TIME OUT NHL coach Mark Diego is spending the off season in his hometown coaching teenagegirls. However, he didn't expect to be working with Rainey Saunders, his childhoodfriend—and the woman he's always had a thing for. Unfortunately, they don't see eye toeye. And when their tempers flare, Mark and Rainey discover their fireworks don't justburn angry—they burn very, very hot! PLAYING TO WIN Hockey captain Luke Maguire sees right through reporter Holly Evans's puckbunny persona, and he's ready to pull her into the locker room and strip it all off. ThenHolly discovers someone on the team is profiting from a little over/under betting.Suddenly her lusting for Luke is going head-to-head with her journalistic instincts. Andif she's caught off-side, there's no telling what the penalty will be…