Book type E-book
Buddhahood without Meditation
The revelations of Düdjom Lingpa, a highly influential mystic of 19th century Tibet,translated by B. Alan Wallace. The practice of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, is the pinnacle of the nine vehicles of practice taught in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. The highly influential mystic Düdjom Lingpa (1835–1904) and his disciple Sera Khandro (1892–1940), the most prolific female writer in Tibetan history, here illuminate the methods to discover our own primordial purity and abide in uncontrived awareness. Buddhahood Without Meditation: This is Düdjom Lingpa’s most widely taught visionary text. In it wisdom beings and historical figures in the Great Perfection lineage emphasize theview of cutting through (trekchö) to the original purity of pristineawareness via the four special samayas, or pledges, of the Great Perfection: nonexistence, oneness,uniform pervasiveness, and spontaneous actualization. At each stage of his spiritual progress, Düdjom Lingpa’s doubts are dispelledand his realizations enhanced by pithy advice. The Fine Path to Liberation: Sera Khandro establishes thenecessary motivation and conduct for receiving teachings such asBuddhahoodWithout Meditation. This sublime Dharma is to be seen in the contextof the five perfections of the sambhogakaya: the teacher, place, time, disciples,and Dharma are fully perfected and must not be reified as ordinary. Garland for the Delight of the Fortunate: Sera Khandro fills in the gaps ofBuddhahood Without Meditation, explainingthe metaphors, and spellingout the implications of the root text’s highly condensedverses. This is an essential key for unlocking Düdjom Lingpa’s profound wisdom.