Book type E-book
Kids' Random Acts of Kindness
By Unknown
Book type E-book
By Unknown
Want to Feel Hopeful About the Future? Share in inspirational stories of generosity written by children of all ages that reveal their surprisingly insightful feelings about kindness and compassion. Look back at why theRandom Acts of Kindnessseries was such a sensation.When the adult version ofRandom Acts of Kindnesswas first published, hundreds of teachers across the country gave assignments to their students to write about unsolicited acts that they had experienced or initiated. Teachers sent the results to Conari Press which then put out a call for similar stories in a teacher’s magazine. Stories poured in and the result wasKid’s Random Acts of Kindness. Whimsical and funny to moving and thoughtful,Kid’s Random Acts of Kindnesshelps restore your belief in the potential for goodness in man. InKid’s Random Acts of Kindness, you will see how children are the truest examples of open-hearted giving: Kids are hopeful.They believe they can change, easily and often. They look forward not back. They like to think about what could be, not what was. Kids are possibility addicts.They’re always working on something. If you listen you’ll hear a language of hopefulness and striving, an elasticity that keeps them going and trying. Kids love to master challenges.They want to try new things, move in new directions, be productive. They are risk takers, sometimes out of faith, sometimes out of desperation. More than anything else, children want and need to belong, to partner, to collaborate. Readers of other books in theRandom Acts of Kindnessseries and motivational books and stories likeChicken Soup for the Soul: Random Acts of Kindness,A Pebble for Your Thoughts,I've Been Thinking…, andYou Can Do All Thingswill love the encouraging, inspirational stories inKid's Random Acts of Kindness.