Book type E-book
《高城堡里的人》 It's America in 1962. Slavery is legal once again. The few Jews who still survive hide under assumed names. In San Francisco, the I Ching is as common as the Yellow Pages. All because some twenty years earlier the United States lost a war—and is now occupied by Nazi Germany and Japan. 小说以《易经》牵引情节,通过对不同阶层、不同身份的人物的穿插描述,讲述了一个反转过来的 历史——同盟国在二战中战败,美国被德国和日本分割霸占,探讨了正义与非正义、文化自卑和身份认同,以及法西斯独裁和种族歧视给人类社会造成的后果。通过对一系列不同人物的塑造,菲利普•迪克讲述了真实和虚幻的生活及历史。