Book type E-book
《少数派报告》 Police Commissioner John Anderton finds himself at the mercy of his own crime-prevention system when the prescient precogs he's hired to stop crime before it starts peg him as a soon-to-be murderer in Philip K. Dick's masterful short story The Minority Report. This slim volume is top-bound like an office account. The movie version of this story was directed by Steven Spielberg and starred Tom Cruise. 本书结集科幻鬼才菲利普•迪克最具代表性的九个短篇:《第二代》、《冒名顶替》、《规划小组》、《少数派报告》、《战争游戏》、《啊,当个布洛贝尔人!》、《死者的话》、《全面回忆》和《电子蚂蚁》。菲利普•迪克以其独特的文风和光怪陆离的想象在美国科幻黄金时代独树一帜。他的短篇小说情节跌宕,很多故事的架构都勘称一绝。菲利普•迪克的小说主人公往往是困在极不寻常情镜中的小人物。他们被自己扭曲的感知误导,进退维谷,找不到出路。