Book type Audiobook
Book type Audiobook
Listen and relive the exciting tales from Highlights, now on audio! Learn about children who borrow their uncle’s time machine to get desserts and a boy who hunts for his lost teddy bear at bedtime, along with other stories about mystery and adventure. Stories include: A Day at the Zoo by Peggy Archer, Back in Time for Dessert by Bradford H. Robie, Coach, Where Are You? by Ana Galan, Dragon Tears Needed! by Maggie Murphy, Hunting for Treasures by Jody Jensen Shaffer, So Say the Little Monkeys by Gale Sypher Jacob, The Case of the Missing Left Shoe by Debbie Urbanski, The Mystery Bus Stop by Susie Sawyer, Trail into Darkness by Brad Robie, Where’s Bear? by Joy Cowley, and more!